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Managing Multiple Medications at a Time

When you’re required to take multiple medications, getting confused with their names, doses, and when to correctly consume them is understandable. But, as your pharmacy in New Haven, ConnecticutHANCOCK PHARMACY VII LLC devised ways to help you more easily manage multiple medications at a time.

  • Follow your physician’s advice.
    The moment you receive your prescription, immediately list down all the medications you’ll have to take and the vaccines you have to purchase. Indicate the time of the day you’ll have to take your medications as well. You can create a separate note for your vaccination schedules.
  • Purchase all your medicines from one pharmacy.
    We are a drug store in Connecticut that offers prescription refills. You can register online or at our pharmacy.
  • Refill your prescriptions in advance.
    Don’t let your medication storage run out of medicine. It also contributes to medication mismanagement. You can set a reminder on your phone to stay right on your schedule or ask for our help with refills.
  • Separate storage.
    Our experts in pharmaceuticals recommend this tip the most because it is a visual and practical way to manage your regimen. You can color-code your medication storage to avoid confusion. It is also important that you indicate their expiration dates so that you can track your medications’ shelf lives.

Our pharmacy is here to assist you with your medication needs. Connect with our pharmacy online and enjoy free delivery in Connecticut. Get in touch!

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